The Promise Perspective Blog

The Beauty of Brokenness

The Beauty of Brokenness

Stephanie Green

The Beauty of Brokenness

Stephanie Green

The Moon's Role in the Appointed Times

The Moon's Role in the Appointed Times

Stephanie Green

Any calendar that rejects the moon’s role in determining appointed times is unbiblical. Scripture makes it undeniably clear that the moon is for seasons. In Hebrew, “seasons” does not mean...

The Moon's Role in the Appointed Times

Stephanie Green

Any calendar that rejects the moon’s role in determining appointed times is unbiblical. Scripture makes it undeniably clear that the moon is for seasons. In Hebrew, “seasons” does not mean...

Calendar for 12th Biblical Month

Calendar for 12th Biblical Month

Stephanie Green

Below is the calendar template for the 12th biblical month ❤️  

Calendar for 12th Biblical Month

Stephanie Green

Below is the calendar template for the 12th biblical month ❤️  

The "Hidden Treasure" of Yahuah

The "Hidden Treasure" of Yahuah

Stephanie Green

With love, Stephanie

The "Hidden Treasure" of Yahuah

Stephanie Green

With love, Stephanie

Building a Case for Africa: The True Promise Land

Building a Case for Africa: The True Promise Land

Stephanie Green

There are inconsistencies with the narrative of modern-day Israel being the Holy Land of Scripture. There is much doctrine that the church has inherited today that has created a deep...

Building a Case for Africa: The True Promise Land

Stephanie Green

There are inconsistencies with the narrative of modern-day Israel being the Holy Land of Scripture. There is much doctrine that the church has inherited today that has created a deep...

"But Lot's Wife Looked Back"

"But Lot's Wife Looked Back"

Stephanie Green

"But Lot’s wife looked back and became a pillar of salt." Genesis 19:26 For thousands of years, salt was used as a preservative, not a seasoning. This is a creative...

"But Lot's Wife Looked Back"

Stephanie Green

"But Lot’s wife looked back and became a pillar of salt." Genesis 19:26 For thousands of years, salt was used as a preservative, not a seasoning. This is a creative...