"And they forsook Yahuah and served Ba'al and Ashtaroth."
Judges 2:13
Have you ever paused to consider what the Israelites were actually doing when they were chastised by the Most High for “serving Ba’al and Ashtaroth" and “playing the harlot on the high hills and under the green trees?”
(See Jeremiah 2:20 & Jeremiah 17:2 for reference)
Studying the major prophetic books of the Bible (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel) shows us a recurring theme of this type of worship (which originated in ancient Babylon) and that the Israelites were constantly following after Ba’al and the Ashtoreths.
What does that actually mean, though?
We read Israel’s history books today and we marvel over how the nation of Israel and Judah could fall so quickly and consistently to idol worship without even knowing it.
This Babylonian worship is exactly what caused Israel to fall, leading to the Assyrian captivity, and then “treacherous Judah” fell to the same exact thing, which exiled them to Babylon.
Yahuah sent His prophets to tell the people to come out of their Babylonian-rooted worship, but the people couldn’t see their transgression. They held tight to the deceit and refused to listen.
This might sound crazy, but what if I could prove to you that modern Christianity today is rooted in the same doctrines and traditions that caused the Israelites to fall?
What if I told you that our Christian faith has been built on Babylonian religion and traditions? What if I told you that the same indictment that Jeremiah gave to the Israelites, of playing the harlot, is still a warning that applies to us today?
I’m not trying to upset you or offend you, I am simply sounding a trumpet. My plea, just like the plea of the prophets, is to be reconciled. I am not trying to convince you to “fall away” or to reject the Most High or our Messiah, but to examine the foundations of our faith so we can return to proper worship.
This is the cry of our Father.
The entire Bible is a love story to exhort people to examine their ways and return to Him with their whole heart. The commandments were given to us to instruct us on how to love and worship the Father in the way that actually makes us a “set-apart” people.
The problem though, is that we are unable to return to Him when the true faith has been mixed with pagan worship. We have to come out of it entirely, and it starts with identifying what is truth and what is tradition.
The enemy has done this intentionally by deceiving the whole world by “blinding the minds” and twisting the Word little by little over time so that we would be “serving Ba’al and the Ashtoreth’s” unknowingly.
And just to plug this in there…the Hebrew word for “LORD” literally means “Ba’al.” Jeremiah 23:27 tells us that Ba’al is who caused His people to forget His Name.
I will be the first to admit that I do not know everything. I’m still coming out of the lies. But one thing I do know for sure is that the scales have been ripped from my eyes and by the MIGHTY HAND OF YAHUAH, I have been pulled out of Babylon and I am fleeing as hard as I can.
I am praying against the spirit of offense so that through my words you can see that our Heavenly Father is stretching that same hand out to you.
Yah told Jeremiah (1:10) that He had set him over nations to root out, pull down, destroy, and throw down and THEN…”to build and to plant.” What looks like deconstruction is actually a reconstruction. I want to build on a firm foundation, but the strongholds and traditions must be uprooted and torn down before we can even try to plant anything.
Our modern day Christian worship is not as pure and set-apart as we would like to believe or have been taught to believe. “Coming out of Babylon” begins with understanding where it all began. We have all drank from the cup of Babylon, and Scripture says it has made the whole earth drunk (aka, confused).
When you begin to examine the foundations of our faith with a heart intent on seeking the truth, it doesn’t take long for the devastation to find you.
Unraveling the lies is a difficult process, but once these lies are exposed, and scales are removed from your eyes, the truth begins to set you free and you begin to see the world for what it really is.
Episode 35: The Babylonian Connection Between Ancient & Christianity on The Promise Perspective Podcast was created to help us study and understand more about ancient Babylonian worship, and how it has infiltrated everyday life since the beginning of time—even today. I can’t labor hard enough for this. I told you all—everything I have and everything I do comes from a place of brokenness.
I pray that you listen.
There is no other motive I have but love. And ya know what they say in Proverbs, “open rebuke is better than secret love.”
And my question to the church today is, do you love people enough to tell them the truth? Do you even know the truth yourselves?
Either way, let’s examine our faith together.
With love,