There are three different “shadows” mentioned in Scripture. These shadows are the Torah, the Moedim (Appointed Times) and the Tabernacle. These three things are all mentioned of as being a “shadow of things to come.” They are all shadows because they literally point to Yahusha our Messiah.
By understanding the meaning of how they were explicitly part of the covenant in the Old Testament, we are able to see how our Messiah came to rework these shadows throughout the biblical narrative when He came to renew the covenant and usher in a new priesthood.
Yahusha has become our new High Priest, and the earthly Tabernacle that was made with human hands is the spiritual blueprint of the Tabernacle Yahuah dwells in that is NOT made with human hands.
Additionally, understanding the implications of this blueprint fulfilled by the testimony and ministry of Yahusha teaches us how to be a Kingdom of Priests, as prophesied.
Redemption of His remnant is revealed in His Tabernacle. It reveals the call to “get on the ark” today, and what it really means to be in covenant with the Most High. Our Messiah is the way, the truth and the life, and no one comes to the Father except through Him. The gospel message of our Messiah and the renewed covenant teaches us how grace and obedience work in harmony with one another.
The design of His Sanctuary and Tabernacle teach us how to approach Him and the access we have now because of Yahusha’s sacrifice. It teaches us how His covenant must also be our dwelling place. To abide in Him means to be in covenant with Him.
Because the body has been missing out on this important teaching, we have become spiritually malnourished in our understanding of the “royal priesthood” we are called to be in. We are perishing from a lack of knowledge.
Too many believers today stay in the Courtyard because they don’t understand the covenant or their true identity. They’ve accepted the “good news” but they aren’t aware of what it truly means to “count the cost.” We are taught all about relationship, but nothing about covenant. In fact, the gospel that is preached within mainstream Christianity today actually teaches people to be covenant breakers.
I have several different resources available for you to study and test for yourself. I pray that this helps to
- Season 4 on The Promise Perpsective Podcast (specifically Episodes 11-14)
- Tour of the Tabernacle Study (free e-book under Bible Study Resources tab)
- Priesthood Revealed in the Tabernacle Infographic (also under Bible Study Resources tab